Category Archives: Inspirational

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My Rooms in Great Ife – 200L/300L

200 Level – Room 295, Obafemi Awolowo Hall The moment I resumed 200 level; I knew it was going to be one enduring session because I left home without any hope of an accommodation and my parents were not buoyant enough to provide money for

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The Dog, His Mother and a Creative Solution

Hello my people. I know most of you enjoyed the Sallah break but some of us worked through it because we stay in countries where only Christian holidays are recognized. No problem sha – Xmas is very much around the corner. The Career/Mentoring series have

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The Heroes of our World

Yesterday night was a very emotional one for me watching CNN Hero of the year broadcast. I was moved to tears but most importantly very inspired by the lives of those wonderful men and women who define the real essence of living – unconditional giving!

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Mentoring and Life/Career Coaching

Our part of the World is in no doubt known for a lot of information hoarding and this ensures that important data is lost forever. Somehow, the supposedly successful man thinks he will be in trouble if he brings a younger man up to his

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Effective Year Planning

At the beginning of every year we all do various forecasts of what the new year will look like. The degree of this plan varies with individuals. Some making very elaborate and detailed plans while some just have minimal goals for the year. Some decide

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Rules of Engagement

In military or police operations, the rules of engagement (ROE) determine when, where, and how force shall be used (for example, a submarine of country A cannot open fire on the shipping vessels of country B without an official declaration of war). Such rules are

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We Fall Down and We Get UP

I originally finished University in January 2001. I said originally because I did not know I was going to stay back for a whole session to do 2 courses. The worst thing I ever imagined, happened to me as it was clear I had an

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Taking Steps 4

Continued from the last post. A lesson I held on to after realizing most of my objectives at such a short period of time is that a man must never rest on his achievements but continually strive to attain greater heights, setting bigger goals. That

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Taking Steps 3

After reviewing the fact that I was not Assistant Sec Gen of the SUG and that I was a Justice of the Judicial Council which was less time consuming. And looking through my plans and seeing that I would only accomplish them if I was

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Taking Steps 2

One of the greatest limitations we have in Africa is our ability to be planners and not following through with executing the plans. Yeah, I had lofty plans and I made sure they were carried out to the letter. I was like the youngest in

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Taking the Steps

My first degree was in Mathematics meaning I have a BSc in Mathematics. My dad has always been in support of decisions I take and he has this unwavering belief in me that sometimes scare me. Some of his friends were very angry with him